Blog, Spray Foam Roofing OKC . June 15, 2020

It’s not too early to think about spring foam roof maintenance, although it can be the first part of winter. Being proactive when it comes to your business roof ensures its long service life and durability. Your foam roof has a long life span, but this does not mean that your building does not need regular care.

Foam Roof Inspection

It is important to know what you are looking for when inspecting a foam roof. It is wise to hire a spray foam roofing specialist who is able to show you the ways if you are new to roof inspections. You should examine the roofing schemes, last inspection of the roofing done, and a list of any repairs to the foam roof.

Issues on the Roof

Be sure to bring a checklist with you if you’re ready to inspect the roof. You will look for cracking, splitting, blistering or small holes on the surface of the foam roof. These are common maintenance problems due to debris and poor weather over time. Drains, ribs, roof edges, and flashings also must be inspected. Roofing technicians are experienced and make repairs on each aspect of a foam roof inspection. It may be the way to save you time to hire a licensed spray foam roofing contractor.

Keep the Roof Clean

From time to time, all roofs must be cleaned. You should get up at least once a year and look to make sure if additional foam roof maintenance is needed. However, once a year, visit your roof only to be on the safe side. After any major storm, it’s also wise to go to the roof to know that nothing has been blown or damaged.

The good news is that you are most likely to handle cleaning yourself. For example, it’s easy to clear bird nests, leaves, tree branches and other forms of waste to protect your foam roof.

Check Roof Texture

Whenever you are on your foam roof, make sure if there are areas that look discolored. You should be very careful about the texture too, so more than just cleaning is needed for a proper maintenance of the foam roof. You have to walk around the whole structure and make sure it has a texture similar to that of an orange peel. Anything but that should be of concern to you. Typical signs of a problem are if the texture resembles popcorn of scrambled eggs, oddly enough. These are the signs your foam roof has been affected.

You can call us at Preferred Roofing in OKC to take care of your spray foam roofing. It needs high maintenance. We are here to help you.