Spray PUR (SPF) is a fairly new inventory, but the condition of buildings around the world has undoubtedly been improved. SPF or spray foam roofing seals the building effectively from the elements even sound. It is long-lasting, simple to install and economical – with correct roof maintenance tips.

However, as with other types of roofing, it still has to be maintained for a longer period of time. Inadequate maintenance could lead to obstructive drains of water, which could cause long-term damage. It is always better for professional cleansers to rely for the maintenance of the SPF roof to seek possible damages and to carry out immediate repairs to ensure that the damage does not spread.

If, for many years to come, you want to keep your SPF roof in the top shape, there are four tips on roof maintenance:

Go for Pressurized Washer

Pressurized washers, in particular 3000 PSI washers, are used to treat stubborn debris such as leaves, branches, and mildew. Initially, a pressurized spray washer can be a big investment and the task will be to clean dirt and dust off your roof and to release blocked drainage canals. Make sure that no more than 3,000 PSI is used because pressurized water jets can be sufficiently strong to damage the roof you want to maintain.

Check the Roof Carefully

Since roofs are rarely visited, they usually get filled with anything that flies in the air except during maintenance. The roof and HVAC ventilation can be filled with leaves and branches depending on your location. The winds may sometimes even host the nests of birds. Make sure you remove any remaining stuck debris that can cause problems in the long term.

To remove oil and grime, use detergents

It is not unusual to see oil-strapped surfaces due to smoke mixing in with the air in busy towns. Although this alone is probably not going to damage your roof, your building’s façade might be damaged by the cleaning you do on your roof. To correct this, immediately clean the waste with detergent and clean water. Furthermore, don’t let the water dry because the longer you wait, the harder it is to remove the stain. Furthermore, avoiding using more robust cleaning solutions, because highly acidic and corrosive chemicals can damage the SPF Roof and incur major repair costs.

Need SPF roof maintenance services? Hire Experts

While the maintenance can save you on costs, professional roof providers can carry out the spot inspections as they clean the roof. In addition, you can also make patch repairs as they see fit, if you have not the expertise to take care of your spray foam roofing system.


Although SPF roofs are widely known to be economical and durable, they are not invulnerable. These four easy roof maintenance tips will certainly help you increase the longevity of your roof on a regular basis. Meanwhile, professional maintenance costs are affected by energy savings through the use of an SPF roof. Ask us at Preferred Roofing for maintaining a strong and long lasting roof. Visit our office in OKC.